Slow Down and Thrive

Your permission to rest and how to deal with rest guilt

March 14, 2023 Kim Stark Season 1 Episode 18

Episode 18 - Consider this episode your permission to rest!  I wanted to speak into rest and the guilt that can come along with it for many of us. This is still something that comes up for me as I love to rest and nap often!

In this fast paced and achievement driven world we find ourselves in, it can be a challenge to allow our bodies and minds to rest. We don’t need a reason to rest and we don’t need to ‘deserve’ to rest but I also talk through some reasons that rest is good for us and even productive, if that helps your mind to accept a nap here and there! 

In today’s episode I cover: 

  • Procrastination vs laziness
  • Napping and guilt
  • Sleepiness and avoidance
  • How rest is productive
  • The ancient Chinese concept of Wu Wei
  • Where your effort comes from and what drives you
  • Creating from a space of love
  • Meditation and sleep
  • Breaking down your tasks