Slow Down and Thrive

How to plan less and flow more with what shows up as the next step.

February 14, 2023 Kim Stark Season 1 Episode 15

If you’ve been listening to the last couple of episodes you’ll know I’ve been travelling solo in New Zealand and there have been many lessons along the way, including embracing not planning and going with the flow. 

Not planning and letting go of expectations leaves room for magic and different experiences that you may not have if everything is planned out. 

In today’s episode I cover: 

  • Planning vs not planning anything.
  • Planning your travel with some flexibility 
  • The importance of not planning your future and the power of letting go - not being attached to a certain outcome 
  • Letting go of expectations and trusting the next step and what shows up 
  • When it’s good to have a plan but still be flexible
  • Doing your future self a favor and be open to possibility and finding what works for you